Whazzup Everybody! Wandering around the street of Roxas, Davao City at night made me realized that there are lots of spots that I never thought of to be beautiful for photography. 
These spots maybe nothing to most of you out there but to me they are gems. One of the spots I saw was this brick wall on a certain store. It kinda reminds me of how I, you, we people are wounded, broken, and feeling hopeless to stand up and face the world with confidence, so I decided to use it as my foreground's background. 

For me, brokenness makes you not pretty but Beautiful. The bricks says it all.

Bearing in mind the principle "What is a good camera, what is photography rules, and what is talent/skills if you can't NOTICE!" I may not have the best camera, I may not know every photography rules, I may have no skill, at least I Noticed... I noticed this brick wall, the lights hitting the wall, I noticed shadows, I noticed the texture of the bricks saying that I may not be a plain wall but my un-plain-li-ness, is what makes me beautiful.

Being broken and wounded or having scars does not mean you ain't Beautiful, it makes you more Beautiful. So, if you are planning to give up life, remember the lines of Jack from the 1997 movie Titanic, "Never give up, never lose hope no matter how hopeless" (I revised it a li'l bit. Magbuot mo? LOL!)

Til my next post :D

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