Taking portraits of people I know, newly known, or just met was a challenge. It develops your personality and in my case, an introvert, have to learn how to be with people. As a shutterbug, photography is one of my confidence builders to be who I am.

So, I took the opportunity to take portraits of people to see their beauty and immortalize it. 

Here's my one good friend, Ma. Annalyn. Thanks for trusting me and for stepping in front of my lens.

Muse: Ma. Annalyn
HMUA: Ma. Annalyn

All photos are owned and copyrighted by Marion’s Imaje.

All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized use, copy, editing, reproduction, publication, duplication and distribution of the digital photos, without his explicit permission, is punishable by law. 

Use of any image without the owner's permission is a violation... of the Philippine copyright law Republic Act No. 8293


2 coment�rios:

Unknown said...

This last shot on the page here. If she'd just tilted that head a tad down..and eyes up! Oh man, that would have made a seeing into her eyes shot! Have your subject speak with her eyes. Talk her through it, if need be. You've got beautiful backdrop now highlight that face through either her eyes or smile. The eyes do speak.

Marionsden said...

You are really great, Barbara. How come I didn't see that angle? I was imagining your point and it looks more pleasant and more interesting. I will keep your kind words when I do photoshoots next time. Again, Barbara, a big THANK YOU for helping me out.